Wang Xiuzhen
Source: Author:Office Date:22 October 2018

Wang Xiuzhen, female, born in 1972, has the bachelor degree, and title of senior accountant. Since August 1999, Wang Xiuzhen has successively served as the member and section chief of Audit Department of Shanghai Baosteel Metallurgical Construction Corporation, deputy director of Shanghai Baoye Financial Accounting Center, deputy director of Shanghai Baoye Accountant Center, deputy head of Shanghai Baoye Audit Department, head of Shanghai Baoye Audit Department, and director of Shanghai Baoye Finance and Accounting Center. From April 2014 to August 2016, she served as the head of Shanghai Baoye Planning and Finance Department. Since August 2016, she has been appointed to serve as the chief accountant of China MCC20.


Phone:+86-21-6679 8399 Fax:+86-21-3601 0066
Address:#777 Pangu Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China.